Fully refundable if cancelled due to Covid-19. To hire and drive the motorhome you need to be... A …21 years of age or over but under 70 years of age. B… in position of a full UK driving licence for at least one year if 25 years of age or over or two years if between 21 and 24 years of age and has produced the licence for inspection. C… not engaged in professional gambling, sport or entertainment, hawking or general dealing, street or market trading, or modelling. D… free of no more than one motoring accident or claim within the preceding three years. E… free of convictions of any motoring offence or have a prosecution pending other than parking or one speeding offence. F… free of any medical condition requiring Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) notification and authorisation has been granted by the DVLA. G… free of any refusal of motor insurance at normal rates and terms or has not been declined insurance or had any insurance policy cancelled by an Insure H…able to submit License and ID verification using... 1) (UK drivers). Driving License Photo Card or paper licence. The address must match your ID documents. Non UK drivers will submit the following declaration… I, …........................ can confirm I hold a full driving license, license No ….................. with no more than 6 demerits and no more than one accident in the last 3 years. My full license was first issued on ….......... and I am licensed to drive a vehicle of 3,500kg Maximum Authorised Mass (MAM). Signed.................................................. Date........................... 3) A Utility Bill which must be dated within 90 days of the hire start date 4) Photo ID (e.g. Passport)